A Million Little Things

Monday, October 28, 2019

They always seem insignificant in the beginning: one thing here and there, leaving a hollow place in our life, mind, spirit, soul during that time it takes to fill that vast space created by our expectations. But the key to building a million little things is consistency: one step after the other, deciding to show up to the world everyday, finding the courage to do that little "big" thing. What an oxymoron, isn't it? And yet, it has all its sense depending on which side of the emotional spectrum you stand on; depending on whether we look at it from within ourselves or from the world perspective.

It might seem little to the world or even to you when you start and when all you can see it that one thing; but it will look and seem big during those days where all you want to do is to give up, to revert to our old ways; in those days where to show up and to do it will require all the strength you didn't know you have. It will feel and seem big, but in some ways, it will be that little thing because it will be just that: just that sentence, just that "no", just that getting out of bed and showing up into the world when  all you want to do is stay in, just that half hour on the treadmill... It will feel little and you will be tempted to give up but you have to remember that a forest is not planted overnight: it is created by planting one tree after the other, day after day, months after months, year after year. It will feel like an eternity until one day, you look up and realize what felt so little, insignificant and barely noticeable has become that thing that cannot be hidden anymore: it is there for the whole world to see.

A million little things... They start little but grow to be a quite a big deal but you will only see it if you keep showing up and keep doing the work even when you don't feel like it.
It won' t be easy. It will be frustrating at times. There will be days where you will want to give up but  remember: a million of something start with that one little piece consistently added up over a period of time.

So start here, right where you are, right where you stand and as you embark on that journey, be patient with yourself. Be patient with the process. Keep showing up, keep doing the work until one day, you assist to the miracle of what will be your "million little things".

Until next time,
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