The most awesome place in the world...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Have you ever looked at a picture of one of those heavenly beautiful beaches under a sunset and told yourself : “this would be the most awesome place in the world to be and live at ”. It is peaceful, beautiful, appealing: yes you are definately right in your one of our most attainable and original dreams. But in your daily life what would be the most awesome place to be at? Some people would say the bedroom. There was a time it used to be the most awesome place in the world for me too you know. It is the only kingdom you get to rule on, your most honest subjects being your bed and your pillows and your closest friends your books, the playstation and your laptop (when your friends are not over your house of course!) . But then I found another place that was as awesome as my bedroom could be. As much as I loved it, I had to recognize that my Bathroom was the most awesome place in the world (after my bedroom). Although a loooot (and when I say a lot, the word is weak) of things happen in the bedroom we must give a thumb up to the bathroom.
I mean come on… it is the best place for people like us to sing: water is on, you sing out loud, no one can hear so no one can judge! LOL… so sad (I seriously need to take some classes). And when you have to do number one, number two or number three (it’s one and two), well you are glad you are in your bathroom, on the toilet A.K.A the Throne rather than in your bed. you can take a break to read that book that you have never been able to finish until that gastro from the food you had last night. I know… it is not easy to keep yourself calm and have your mind focused to read a book when you are perspiring and suffering as if you were about the leave your intestines in the toilet. But! You can always have a book-break in between two stomach spasms just in case you know … you are bored and you need to entertain yourself ( don't "ewww" me you know exactly what it is like and you probably are the one having the gastro right now and reading that on your fone while you are siting on your throne, in your bathroom)
My bathroom is my inspiration place. It is weird that it is always when I am taking a shower that I have the most f*****g brilliant ideas for my own personal life as well as for my blog. And most of the time it is on the eve of the publication or hours before it that I am like “I got it!” but then I have no paper, no pencil and duuuh! There is water and soap everywhere! Seriously… someone should create a waterproof paper or something like that to keep track of the most awesome ideas I ever had (PS: yes that one came up also when I was taking a shower!)
A bathroom is not always about just take a shower or a s#!t you know. It is also a place where I can have a “me” time and think about my life, make plans and think more deeply about rational stuff ( think about random stuff also works when my brain is too tired to process information in order). It is also a place where you can let the water run and cry without being heard, sit and be creative,  practice of your photography talents in front of your mirror or just smoke pot (lol not a fan of it but some people do it … again I am not judging!). I also loooove to play guitar in my bathroom because the echo is the perfect tool to tune the voice and the guitar. I could stay there for hours playing and enjoying the beauty of what i can sanely play at the guitar ( it doesn't happen a lot but when it does it's dope!)
It is amazing the number of things (usual as well as very unusual) that can be done in a bathroom and I am sure there are still a lot of stuff I need to learn about. For now I will stop here and if you think your bathroom is also one of the most amazing place in the world may you find some happiness there :)

“If I want to be alone, some place I can write, I can read, I can pray, I can cry, I can do whatever I want - I go to the bathroom.” - Alicia Keys.


Will you ever come back?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

We all know how it feels to be used to see someone everyday, to do every single thing with that person until the day he/ she has to leave.
I have never been a big fan of goodbyes and I know for a fact that I will probably never be. It is just heart breaking to imagine your life without that person. It just sucks you know… going back to your old, ugly and boring life routine and just pretend the transition will be smooth. What sucks even more  is when people say “don’t think about the time I will be gone, keep the good memories of the moment we spent”  well the thing is that good memories will make it hard to get used to someone’s absence. I don’t know about you but for me it does make it hard because I have all those good memories, i would like to create some more and have that special moment and connection but guess what? You are not here and this sucks. And then there are the hugs and the crying part right on the spot for the most sensitive. Then there are the strongest who pretend on the goodbye scene that everything is fine.  But as soon as they get home, they run into the kitchen, start cooking and use the onions as an excuse for their tears when truly we know what is happening.
It is always hard to see someone leave, to say goodbye especially when you don’t know when that person will come back. I have known people who had parents, brothers, sisters, friends in the army and I can only imagine how hard it is to see them leave for days, months and even years sometimes. It is not only hard to see them leave but it is even harder to let them go when the idea that they might not come back cross their minds. I can imagine how hard it is for them and I admire them for their courage as well as the strength and faith they have knowing that it could be the last time they are seeing a loved one or that it could be the last hug. Have a special one missing all these important moments of your life knowing that it is because of something greater than your life is a daily routine for some people and somewhere else a concept that I am sure some other people would hardly understand.
 Today’s article is a tribute to the all the soldiers who leave their family and go overseas to defend what they think is noble as well as to the families who await for their beloved ones to get home. As hard as it is to see someone leave, having to say goodbye has a bright side: It reminds us of how important some people are in our lives and also that we need to enjoy every single moments we spent with them no matter how small it lasts until we see them again

“Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end. It simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.”

La Therapie des mots

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Une page blanche qu’avec le temps on apprend à remplir,
Comme l’armoire de l’âme qu’on remplit de souvenirs.
Je me suis surprise a ecrire non pas pour supporter la vie
Mais tout simplement parce que dans ma douleur mon inspiration a repris vie.
Trouver les mots pour faire sortir ce que l’on ressent,
Ecrire pour soulager l’âme de ce qu’on n’a pas pu oublier malgré le poids du temps.
Mes écrits n’ont jamais été à l’échelle de ceux de Grand Corps Malade
Néanmoins ils ont efficace a guérir mon âme malade.
Les mots ont su éteindre le volcan de ma colère;
Celui auquel n’ont jamais pu venir à bout tant de larmes au gout amère.
Amères car nées de tant et tant de regrets,
Amères car sur le chemin de la solitude j’ai perdu tous mes repères.
Rêver de liberté, d’amour, d’évasion,
Passer d’un monde gris à un monde en couleur, lever les yeux et dire au revoir à cette prison.
Vivre une vie où tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes
Car j’ai appris qu’avec les mots on pouvait conquérir le monde.
J’ai trouvé en moi cette force pour cultiver ce don,
Juste pour faire la paix avec moi-même et non pas pour me faire un nom.
Avec une feuille et un stylo j’ai mis à nu mes faiblesses
J’ai compris qu’a cote de l’amour et de la gentillesse il peut parfois y avoir des mots qui blessent.
Même si aujourd’hui certaines blessures sont encore ouvertes
J’ai aussi appris à laisser la porte qui mène à des lendemains meilleurs entre-ouverte;

Car, si comme Grand Corps Malade « mon envie n’a pas maigrie »
C’est sans doute parce que l’espoir d’un jour rencontrer le bonheur la nourrit.

"C'est surtout dans l'ecriture qu'est la magie" - Nathalie Rheims

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