No more excuses

Monday, October 13, 2014

“Nobody said it would be easy… they just said it will be worthy” ~ Unknown
And this is true to almost everything on this earth. Whatever it is that you want, you have to work hard to make it happen. We live in a society where people do no longer fight for the things or the people they want in their lives. More and more, people believe that quitting is the solution to solve their problems and once they do quit they only find themselves being even more miserable than when they were actually striving for what they once thought was worth fighting for. I am a firm believer that the degree to which you want something will determine how hard you will fight for it and no sacrifice will ever be too big that you will not be able to make it to obtain what you want.

Life can happen sometimes, you might have a hard time getting it all together and as a result it might be complicated to reach the place you want to be at in your life and have the things you aspire to. But if you really want it, if you want it bad enough, you can make it. People need to stop making excuses, you need to stop making excuses so that you can take the easy way out and just quit at the first sign of adversity. People need to understand that the promotion they want, the contract, the life change, the relationship, the goals they want to achieve ask for sacrifices that they have to make it they really want them. I can understand that we can get discouraged sometimes because hey guess what? We are humans. We are not gods, we are not supermen and superwomen: we are just plain and sometimes boring mortals and it can get hard to make it through. But if you want something bad enough even in the tears you will keep going. You will say I can’t do this anymore, I am tired but you will still be walking on that road of success you got yourself onto.
No matter how difficult it can be you will never be willing to let it go because you want it and because you know that beyond the tears and the sacrifices you make today there is an emotional and maybe  material reward waiting for at the finish line; something you can beyond word that will make you proud when you will be saying: “it was hard but I made it”. you need to stop making excuses and get back on working for what you once thought was worth fighting for. A few weeks ago I was helping a friend with some class material and it was getting so complicated that at some point I could see that she was getting as frustrated as I was.  I paused for a minute and asked her if she went over the book chapters she answered no. I asked her if she had her notes from the class she answered not. So I told her : “listen… there is no magic here: if you don’t read the book or your notes there is nothing I can do to help you. I can only build on what you already have and if you don’t have anything well… it is complicated”. She started giving me all the possible excuses on why she didn’t have time to review the chapters, the notes, do the homeworks. When she was done I only asked her : “how bad do you want that A?” she said “I need it so bad you have no idea…” so I went on and told her “ then do the work. Stop making excuses and start working on getting closer to that A”

I could have been totally empathizing with her because I have been there, not long ago. When she was talking I could still see and hear myself make the same kind of excuses. But I realized I wouldn't have been doing her a favor. there is a time when you need to sit and ask yourself: how bad do I want it? if you don’t mind not having what you want then fine! Feel free to quit or just do the minimum to get away with having almost what you want. But if you REALLY want it, like really bad you need to get things done and work on getting closer to you goals. it is so easy to give excuses that it is almost ridiculous! it is time for you to realize how wacky that is. It is time for you to realize that if you want to get the things you want you have to do the hard things: “you have to deliver results when giving excuses is not an option”.
It will be hard but “you have to keep moving towards where you want to be no matter what’s in front of you”. That’s what champions do and that’s how they become champions. Make a change today and take the commitment to never quit no matter how hard it is and keep moving no matter what is in front of you.

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