Life at it's awkwardness...

Monday, March 31, 2014

Caution: do absolutely not attempt to read this post if you are in a library, at work and especially not if you are eating. You might end up choking and I decline all responsibility as, I myself, upon writing this article almost choked twice on what I found and was few seconds away from peeing myself on the third time.
Ever had one of those awkward life moment that makes you want to burry yourself at first but then makes the best stories ever to talk about during dinner or when chilling with friends?
Well I’ve found a few of them and made a ranking of my five favorites and I hope you guys like it and don’t laugh to hard

5- Awkward greeting moment: the Hugshake
This has actually happened to me and I know most of us can relate to that: one of those awkward moment you meet someone you haven’t seen in a while and as you get close to each other you feel that anxiety come up and in your head you are trying to figure out if it is going to be a handshake or a hug. You figure out it’s been a while so a hug would be a good way to appear friendly. But the other person thinks well… it’s been a while so a handshake would be best. You reach for a hug, the other person is reaching for a handshake. Thought process screen showing: no match found! And that’s how you end up with an unexpected hugshake people!

I totally relate to you girl… And really this is the best that can happen to you rather than reaching for the handshake and your hand actually reaches for some other, very awkward places... hmmm. Gross… let’s proceed lol

4- High five awkward moment
We’ve pretty much all had that one and this has especially happened to me a couple of times with elders trying to get into the youth vibe. And believe me! There is nothing wrong with that! I find it actually cool that elders try to tune in to the youth adults but that awkward high five is one of those moments that totally throw you off. You reach for it and woops… missed it lol: congratulations! you just high fived the air. The worst is when there is actually a miscommunication somewhere along the way: you reach for a high five the old dude is reaching for a fist bump: five bump! You are just like wut? And then they want to try again and you are just like… let’s just revert to the ol’ ways: handshake sir! Thank you J
(Case is also valid for friends! Lol)

3- Wrong apartment
Ever happened that you are so tired, after a long night on your papers that you literally try to get into the wrong apartment after getting an important parcel from the mailman? Well sign me in!
This was one of the scariest days of my life. See, I couldn’t think straight that morning and after getting picking on my mail and climbing the stairs to the first floor, I just opened the main door and since on my floor my apartment is the first one, obviously I tried to open the first door I found, not even looking at the door number. After trying all the keys on my key holder I got upset, started to knock (loudly please…) on the door and called my roommate being like “please open the door”. All the sudden the door opened and I was horrified to realize this was not my roommate and even better! It was definitely NOT my apartment. Oh my GOD… my heart dropped in my stomach. I was so scared that I could actually feel my face getting pale. My neighbor was soooo upset I couldn’t even say a word… this was so awkward that I went straight back to bed in hope that some sleep will get my ideas straight. Starting your day at the police station is certainly not the first thing you would think of when you wake up. Thank god this didn’t happen to me. Man…. That would have been weird…

2- Wardrobe malfunction
There are some days where everything feels right, almost perfect except your wardrobe. You wake up fine this morning and let’s say you ran a little being on the time that was allotted to you to get ready. So of course, as a commuter, you rush a little to make it on time to work. you get out of your house and walk to the bus stop. Ride all the way to the stop in front of the train station and cross the street to catch the train. You take the train and get to work, go to your board meeting at nine and then do whatever you have to do. And then you go to lunch with you coworker and as you finish passing your order, you turn around and realize they are all in a circle, talking and glancing at you at time. Then one of then finally walks up to you and says: “dude, your d*ck is showing”
And you just go over your entire morning, all the looks you got from the random people you met on your way and even your coworkers at your meeting, thinking it was because you looked so sharp and your hair was so damn sleek! Man… It was about your thingy not being in the right place rather than you looking so fine… awkward moment…

1-     Autocorrect
This one is my absolute favorite ever! It is so sad at the moment and so awkward especially when some wrong words are not meant to be in that message and your boss or a coworker is supposed to get that message.
Example of a very unfortunate case:
“you coffee is on my d*ck
I meant D*CK
DESK! DESK! I meant DESK! Oh my god… I am going to go kill myself right now”
The friend or relative versions of the autocorrect fails are definitely the most valid ones!
Bwahahaaa I was totally dying laughing about those unfortunate autocorrect fails and I have selected a few of them I will leave you on. You can find more here if you ever want to choke yourself while laughing or make people think you are totally mental because you laugh and cry both at the same time in your cubicle, on the train or in the library. Enjoy J

Aimer, le reste on s'en fout

Monday, March 17, 2014
Vivre sa vie au quotidien, chacun avec nos habitudes, nos passions, nos occupations et bien sur  nos préoccupations. Et puis un jour, croiser son regard. Echanger un sourire, un rire, un moment qu’on n’aurait jamais pensé vivre et dont on n’a pas le souvenir de l’avoir vécu.
Apprendre à connaitre la personne en face, à partager les sourires, les joies, les peines sur lesquelles jusque-là on n’avait jamais réussi à mettre des mots. Etre constamment entrain de penser à elle, réaliser que son entrée dans notre vie a  « foutu un beau bordel mais a apporté tellement de stabilité ». La côtoyer et se dire : « je lui ouvre les portes de mon cœur, soyons fou et misons tout ce qu’on a… après tout qu’est-ce que j’ai à perdre ? »
Faire le grand saut, dire cette phrase qu’on rêverait tous et toutes d’entendre. Cette phrase si courte mais qui veut dire tellement de choses. Cette phrase si douce a l’oreille et au cœur mais qu’on a tous peur de laisser échapper. Dire juste JE T’AIME pas qu’avec les mots mais aussi avec le cœur.
Décider de se lancer dans une relation, un partenariat pour le temps que durera le bonheur, une équipe gagnante pour le temps ou viendra le moment de l’épreuve. Avoir pour leitmotiv : « Never let someone behind » dans un tandem ou l’issue du combat dépend de la profondeur, de la sincérité et de la force de ce sentiment qui vous lie.
Faire de cette personne le centre de gravité de votre bonheur. Passer le cap ou même le son de sa voix vous accroche aux lèvres ce sourire béat, vous fait quitter la terre et planer sur un nuage.
Malgré le bonheur subsiste quelque part un doute, une incertitude, une multitude de questions. Se demander ce que serait votre vie sans elle ? Si demain tout s’arrêtait qu’est-ce vous deviendriez ? Est-ce que vous pourriez surmonter cette dure épreuve ? Vous en relever ? Chaque minute qui passe réaliser combien cette personne a de l'importance à vos yeux, un matin juste réaliser que ce n’est plus un locataire  dans votre cœur mais rien d’autre que le nouveau propriétaire que vous le vouliez ou non.
On ne choisit pas d’aimer, on ne choisit pas qui aimer mais « we can decide to make things happen ». L’amour c’est difficile, on prend des coups au cœur, on a les yeux rougis, on passe des nuits blanches à se poser des questions : pourquoi ? Comment ? Où ? Depuis quand ? Mais cela n’a pas d’importance si c’est pour passer chaque jour, heure, minute, seconde avec la personne qu’on aime et pour qui on pourrait tout donner.
L’amour est bien plus qu’un sentiment, qu’un état d’esprit c’est un équilibre qui est régit comme tout autre par les lois de la nature.
Peines, tristesses, colères, larmes, doutes mais comme toute médaille elle a un autre revers ou on peut lire : joie, rires, bonheur, paix intérieure, sourires, confiance and self-confidence.
Aimer c’est être malheureux pour être heureux, c’est comprendre que l’amour c’est difficile, c’est complique mais que dans le fond, on ne peut vire sans
Qu'on soit maso ou accro peut importe, On aime et le reste on s'en fout!
"J'ai découvert un bonheur tout simple, c'est juste qu'on aime être ensemble
On ne calcule pas les démons du passé, on n'a pas peur d'eux
Moi si un jour j'suis un couple, je voudrais être nous deux"- Grand Corps Malade

Carry on!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014
                Sometimes all you wish for at night when closing your eyes is for tomorrow to bring you something that will make you smile, something that will give you the strength to overcome those storms raging in your life. Unfortunately, not all wishes come true and most of the time, things do not turn out the way we would want them to. Lately, I have been through some very tough times. It is just as if issues and heartaches agreed upon choosing me to be their best buddy. You know the one you want to see everyday, chill with, do stuff with and so one. Except that in my case, having the company of heartaches and personal issues is something I could have passed on but  things happen you know.

        So like I said it's really been tough lately and I have been going from disappointment to disappointment. In the beginning I was just you know trying to find ways to keep myself motivated but then after a while of things not changing, it got harder for me to see the positive side of things not working out. It started to get difficult to see the good behind having to fix your heart over and over again, crying with your head under your pillow every night and making sure every morning that you have a supply of Advil in your bag because your head hurts from the crying the night before. I started to fall apart emotionally and psychologically as I felt like life was beating me up and really all I thought I could do was lay down on the couch and have some ice cream in hope that it would soothe my pain away.

              One day that I was ranting in my mind about all the things that went wrong, I realized that it was even more depressing and that I needed to change that attitude of mine and do something about all that. Other people managed to make things harder than the ones I have been through workout perfectly fine so why wouldn’t it be the same for me? What was I doing wrong? What wasn’t I doing? What should I or should I not be doing to be successful?  I am a firm believer that God plays a big part in someone’s success but the remaining part that is also important is the amount of effort we put into being successful. Because see, God can help you and He will but if you are not doing what you are supposed to in order to be successful in whatever it is that you are doing, chances are you will not succeed. And even if you do, it will not be as often and as rewarding as you would want it to be. Following that line of thoughts, I went online and start looking for good habits to develop in order to be successful. Out of all the propositions that came out, I randomly chose this blog and I was just blown away by what I read.  Basically, it says that the more challenging things get, the more you have to invest yourself and the more you invest yourself, make efforts and sacrifices, the more successful you will be. 

              It is easy to do things that are not challenging but the minute you encounter a challenge on your way, you should not bell out. You should confront it and find ways to make things work, to deliver instead of giving excuses on why things didn’t work. Shake things up a little bit, stop playing on the safe side and walk on the side of the road that is a little bit riskier. Most importantly, don’t let failure stop you from getting where you are supposed and meant to be: fall and get up. Understand why you fell, why it happened what you could have done differently and try again and again and again. Try plan A, if it doesn’t work try plan B, C, D, E, all the way to Z. Try until it works because that’s how you become successful. Keep running that race to success even though you are out of breath, even though you have had too many failures. A lot of people give up the fight too early and some other people fight and give up when they are just seconds away from winning it. And believe me there is not greater failure than to give up when victory is near. Next time you are about to give up on something you have worked so hard for, think about that and carry on :)

"Life is easy when you live it the hard way and hard when you live it the easy way"
Carry on !

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