Will you ever come back?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

We all know how it feels to be used to see someone everyday, to do every single thing with that person until the day he/ she has to leave.
I have never been a big fan of goodbyes and I know for a fact that I will probably never be. It is just heart breaking to imagine your life without that person. It just sucks you know… going back to your old, ugly and boring life routine and just pretend the transition will be smooth. What sucks even more  is when people say “don’t think about the time I will be gone, keep the good memories of the moment we spent”  well the thing is that good memories will make it hard to get used to someone’s absence. I don’t know about you but for me it does make it hard because I have all those good memories, i would like to create some more and have that special moment and connection but guess what? You are not here and this sucks. And then there are the hugs and the crying part right on the spot for the most sensitive. Then there are the strongest who pretend on the goodbye scene that everything is fine.  But as soon as they get home, they run into the kitchen, start cooking and use the onions as an excuse for their tears when truly we know what is happening.
It is always hard to see someone leave, to say goodbye especially when you don’t know when that person will come back. I have known people who had parents, brothers, sisters, friends in the army and I can only imagine how hard it is to see them leave for days, months and even years sometimes. It is not only hard to see them leave but it is even harder to let them go when the idea that they might not come back cross their minds. I can imagine how hard it is for them and I admire them for their courage as well as the strength and faith they have knowing that it could be the last time they are seeing a loved one or that it could be the last hug. Have a special one missing all these important moments of your life knowing that it is because of something greater than your life is a daily routine for some people and somewhere else a concept that I am sure some other people would hardly understand.
 Today’s article is a tribute to the all the soldiers who leave their family and go overseas to defend what they think is noble as well as to the families who await for their beloved ones to get home. As hard as it is to see someone leave, having to say goodbye has a bright side: It reminds us of how important some people are in our lives and also that we need to enjoy every single moments we spent with them no matter how small it lasts until we see them again

“Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end. It simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.”
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