Friday Talk: The transition

Friday, March 4, 2016

I thought about what had happened to me so far and how the hardest I was trying to make things go in the direction I wanted them to, the more they drifted away… And I thought maybe it’s not about what I want… Maybe it’s about what I needed at the moment. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and if the things I was holding so close to my heart and that I wanted were not happening despite all the efforts I was doing then maybe it wasn’t the right time or these things were just not meant for me. Maybe it was a time for me to learn to let go of how I wanted life to go and enjoy the way it was at the moment and learn the lessons I had to learn. Maybe it was time for me to learn how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Maybe it was a time to for me to learn to embrace the transition and get accustomed to the unknown and to all the possibility it was bringing to me.

Being fresh out of college and entering adulthood is a hard transition, a place where most of us get stuck because a) we don’t have the answers we are looking for, b) we don’t know how adulting works and c) we realize that all we have been taught in class cannot be used in real life when it comes to answering normal questions a 20 something young adult is asking himself/herself. Adulting is hard, it takes away the red carpet you have been walking on in college – while you are still standing on it- and makes you land on the cold, hard ground on your butt (if you’re lucky enough) or on your head. My fall was on my head… Still hurts from time to time when I think about the dreams I had and where I stand in life right now but like I always say everything happens for a reason. 

But just because I landed on my head and that my life looks nothing like what I thought it would when I graduated from college doesn’t meant that my dreams are dead… Not at all… To quote Paul Angone , I am growing them and one day, when it is time, they will blossom. I know it sucks to settle for something you didn’t sign up for just because you have obligations and have to go through life; but believe that out of that something that sucks, life is trying to teach you valuable lessons that will serve you in growing those dreams of yours. So don’t give up just yet. Let life happen, take note, navigate through the shallow waters to the best of your abilities and keep growing those dreams, water them, feed them, keep the passion alive and one day they will blossom and you will be thanking yourself for not giving up.

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