A Special Thank You ❤

Monday, June 19, 2017

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Another week, another post: welcome back to the blog. For the 100th article of the blog I wanted to post something a bit special and what is more specials than to pay tribute to the first men of our lives: our Fathers/ dads. Being a parent is in no way easier than what it was years ago and I would even go as far as to say  that it is becoming more difficult because kids are being brought into this world by grown boys who have no idea on how to care and educate them. Although for some of those who father those babies, they blatantly chose to be absent from the life of their child, there are others who quit because they haven't had a model in front of them. A model to teach them and show them how to be a father but more importantly how to be a dad. I made a distinction because being a father, I believe is more about doing what you think you are supposed to do while being a dad is way beyond all that. Being a dad is being there for your kids by providing to their each and every need and being invested in every aspect of their lives to a certain extend, whether they like it or not. And speaking from a child's perspective, I can say that sometimes we hate how our parents, even past a certain age, still tell us what to do. The thing is, as parents, they have a duty to protect us, to shield us from the things that could hurt us and take us off track from the prizes we have set our eyes on but also from the things they hope and want us to be.
When I was much younger, I didn't understand it: why I had to do things a certain way, why there were some things I was not allowed to do especially growing up in a Christian family. But now that I am much older, that I have made couple of mistakes I have learned from I understand better. I understand that they simply wanted to protect me, to show me the right way to do things so that by the time I would be away from them going to college  and living on my own, I would have a blueprint of how to live and be in such a way that I honor them and I honor God. I understand that they too, have made some mistakes and they had their share of bad decisions when they were young, and knowing where it led them, they had to force some choices on me out of love and because they wanted the best for me and I am grateful for that. I am grateful for both my mom and my dad for making the best out of me because even though I wasn't the worst, I certainly wasn't the best/ easiest to raise. I am grateful for my dad for showing me how I should be treated when to time to be courted should come. I am grateful for the knowledge and values he instilled in me. And even though I sometimes come off to men as being too independent and sufficient, I am grateful that my dad raised me to hustle and get my own so that if I ever have to depend on a man, it is because I allow him to do so and not because I need him to or have no other choice but to depend (financially) on him. I hope one day that I can be half as good at raising my kids as my parents have been with me and that I can give back and invest into my kids' life the way my parents have invested in me out to duty but mst importantly out of love.
I want to finish this tribute to the first men of our lives by celebrating also all the single mothers out there who are only celebrated on mothers day but should also I(n my opinion) be celebrated on fathers day. They should because many of them are BOTH mom and dad to their kids: keeping it together for them, providing, hustling so that their kids can have everything they need but also providing them with the emotional support/ the love they need to be better individuals. I have a soft spot for single mothers because at some point, my father was in the hospital for months and then on a long term disability for quite a while, thus unable to work. During all that time- although she wasn't single- my mother was running the house, working, taking care of us and my father and still bringing food on the table. She kept things together the way my dad would have done it and she occasionally let us catch her holy hands when we wouldn't behave 😩😂 because that's what being a parent is about too: disciplining the kids out of love! It is tough love but still love and to be honest I turned out quite well 😌
Being a parent is a full time job, being a single mother is one step above dedication and I command all of the single moms all over the world being superheroes for their kids: you are the real MVPs.
Happy father's day to all the dads, the fathers, to all the men of my life and to all the single
Mothers calling the shots everyday and being everything to their kids and raising our future daughters' kings.

 Much love and until next time,
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