The revolution starts with you

Saturday, February 1, 2014
I would like to start this article by wishing you a very happy, productive, full of beautiful surprises and blessed New Year. I know we’ve past New Year for a month now, and  I know I disappeared and couldn’t be found anywhere but boy have I been thinking about what I would be writing about. And every single article I would write did not seem appropriate enough to reflect what was in my mind and as well as the flows and rearrangement happening now in my life.

A new year is usually a time where you want to take new resolutions that you will probably keep for at most a month and go back to your old habits. It is usually about what you have done wrong that you want to fix or about what you hadn’t had the opportunity to do and that you would like to do. I think it is also a time to reflect on you and think of what you have accomplished so far. Think of the milestones you have hit and tell yourself “I’ve come a long way”
Every year brings with it a lot of different things, emotions, situations, people... everything changes around us: everything becomes a variable in our life making change the only constant we will always have to deal with no matter where we are or how old we are. But are we really changing? Are we becoming a new person or just like wine, getting better as time passes?

You know how years from now, you were that guy that would hit on every girl at every party you would go to? Or that girl that thought bad boys were cool back in high school? Well maybe that’s the only characteristic of you your friends have kept in mind from all those years they have been around you. Then everyone take different paths, you start opening up to the world, experiencing what is out there. Seeing new people, new things, and all of the sudden you reconnect with your old friends, with people you haven’t seen in ages. You catch up on things, talk about what you guys have been doing each on his/her side. And all of the sudden it just hits you: you do not have that much in common anymore, you do not have the same definition of what is cool and what is not. They think exercising everyday is lame and you think spending a whole Friday night playing video game is not in phase anymore with the person you have become. And then they just drop the bomb: “oh my God what happened to you? You have changed” But have you really? 

I have recently come to that point with a lot of people I have known for ages and I had thought who would always be bounded by the same things we used to love, do years ago. But what happens is that you grow up, you see new things, see new people, experience what is out there, make mistakes, learn from them. An awful lot of things happen and you start thinking about who you are, who you want to be. You try to figure out in the middle of all that mess which path you have to follow, what you need and what you do not need. You start to sort things out and as you do that, things become clearer for you: you have a better and clearer vision of where you are going and what you are trying to achieve. 

Most people coming back in your life after that process then say you have changed because they do not see that person they used to know. Maybe you have changed and maybe you have not. I like of think of this as working on a paper: in the first draft (rough), you have the ideas, the base, the foundation and essence of your paper. As you work on it, you add more things to it, you embellish it until it looks like what you had in mind. It is the same thing with human beings: some of us change and some well, just are still the same persons they used to be. They just got another insight on life and things and just “embellished” that person they already were aback then. it’s not changing, it’s just being more mature and it all comes to understanding what is good for you and what is not, what will work for you and what will not, but most importantly it’s about figuring out who you are and where you want to be. And this will not happen unless you let that “revolution” take place. So what are you waiting for?

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