Finding mr Right: few things you first need to get right

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
“The right man will love all the things about you that the wrong one was intimidated by.” Unknown

I was trying to find a way to open this article and I thought a quote would be more original than my usual rhetorical questions (especially after one week without an article... I had some technical problems. sorry guys).
Finding the right man… it can be such a hassle especially when you are dating. Most of the time, with the years passing and as you become used to it you can find the right one. You can (possibility) but again with some people it might take longer and turn out to be very frustrating.

Having a parade of men entering and exiting your life like a runway is not something you can be cool about especially when time is not on your side and that you really are eager to have someone nice to settle with. yes I named it “settle”! there is a time where it is a real fun to have a “break up to make up” relationship (although for some of us who are really focusing on trying to establish something you know… more stable it can be very disturbing). But passed that period, you need to grow up and keep on moving on with your life. You graduate from H.S, go to college. Then you graduate from college, find a nice job, end up having a wonderful career. And one day, you reconnect with some friends from college and/or H.S and you realize that ¼ of them are married, ½ are in a serious (very serious) relationship, 1/8  are engaged and the other 1/8 are  still going wild (Y.O.L.O.  I guess…).

At this very moment you realize that you have almost everything you have ever wanted but you are missing the big thing in the picture: that very person you would love to share all you joys, doubts, achievements and memorable moments with. That person you could go to at the end of the day that can cheer you up when your boss has been a tiny bit too bossy, or when you got only shit out of your day. That person you could love unconditionally and open your heart to because your are not afraid of letting him see the real you. Instead, you keep on dating those lame guys, those losers that keep on coming in, get what they want and leave you with nothing but a broken heart. If not them, you get the ones that don’t even know what they want beside “keep it cool” with you. Really? You need to stop doing that to yourself.

You need to go out with your group of emotionally-successful-in-relationship friends and see them happy. Then go back to your house and think of that night out with them as a serious kick in your butt and a wakeup call to start fixing your silly love life. Once you do that, sit down and have a serious and honest talk with yourself. What type of man do you want in your life? Why is it that you are always ending up with the wrong guys? Why is it that you are always being dumped and always getting your heart broken? What type of relationship you are looking for? You have to figure this out first before the next time you go out on a date with some stranger adding up to your  parade (unless you are not tired of constantly being emotionally bruised and have your heart crushed then you are welcomed to go ahead and jump in head first).

You don’t want a boy that thinks that being in a relationship is a game and that everytime he breaks a woman’s heart and wins her back again gives him extra points. You don’t want a guy that will mock your principles and belittle you or emotionally force you to put his little ego before your happiness. Neither do you want or need, someone who does not have enough space in his life to let you in except when he is home, alone, bored and looking for someone to spend the night with. You don’t need and you don’t want to make yourself go through that much sorrows and inflict more damage than you have already had to your self-esteem. You want and need a man that will love you the way you are, that will understand your principles and abide by your standards to help you become a better person. You need a man that will stand for you and fight for you when he needs to and not walk away like a wimp at the first sign of adversity, giving ridiculous excuses. You need someone that will Profess, Provide and Protect you no matter what challenges that will come in. You need someone that will respect you and your values and you need yourself to step up for what you believe in. if he does not agree with your terms, don’t be afraid to let him know that he is free to walk away. You need a man in your life, not a boy because no matter what happens, at the end of the day “Boys shack, MEN build homes”

As this is my last article before going on a well-deserved vacation, I want you to think about all that. Consider what has been said and keep what you think is good and helpful for you to move on and find the right MAN for you. Be true to yourself and let the other people see that, don’t be afraid to let that one guy go if you feel like deep inside he is not the right one for you because somewhere out there is a man ready to commit to you and waiting to make you happy. Don’t spit on that.

Smile and be happy J see you in back in September.
Thankful that the WRONG one let me I can find the RIGHT one who never will.
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