Make it count...

Monday, October 29, 2012
“Even if you had a thousand lives you wouldn’t be able to do everything you wanted to do because you will never have enough time”. As I am sitting and thinking about what went on in my life this past years, this quote from one of my relative keeps echoing in my head. What have I been running after those past years? How is it that today I got to the point that shut down everyone in my life, every single person I care the most about? I was talking to my best friend tonight (which  by the way I haven’t talked to in months and haven’t seen in years) and I realize how wrong it seems to me that I couldn’t talk to him, or none else and it did not bother me for so long!
I mean it’s true we all have a life, we are busy people, struggling to get out of the troubled water we might be going through at some point but should it be a reason to just isolate ourselves from the rest of the world? To forget how important, vital relationships are in our lives? Man… I have done so many things wrong but my biggest mistake is that I gave up on almost all of my friendship as well as on love (as of now… eventually I will one day find the right person for me but this is another topic). Distance, lack of time, anger, fights, silences, attitudes… I mean the list runs on and on but truly relationships are treasures we must cherish no matter what comes on our ways; no matter what the excuses for us not to stick around people we love are. We always tend to forget how important these relationships are and then by the time we realize it, well it’s too late. Every minute, second, hour, should count. I have seen so many people die around me these past years and even this past weeks: close friends, friends of my friends, relatives, and every day I wake up having that only regret: I didn’t have time to let them know how much I loved them. I was too busy with whatever I was doing; I was thinking “I can still do it tomorrow”. And you know what? Time flew, tomorrow came for me but not for them…
So much time wasted with childish disputes, misunderstandings, foolish stuffs that I  said, did that and that today I totally regret… I wish I could go back in time, take back all that trash, fix what I could have fixed and repair everything I broke. I wish I could take back each of the words I said that I know did wrong to the people I said them to.
I used to like a song titled “if tonight is my last” and today I am wondering if tonight was my last what would I do? Probably tell my friends and relatives how much I love them, I would gather them one last time and just make them feel that they count and that I was wrong to withdraw myself from their lives the way I did. I would try to fix everything I can possibly fix.
What is life without love? What is life without the people you care about? When was the last time you told someone you cared about “I love you, I really care about you and I am really blessed to have you in my life”? Whether we talk about friendship, love or even family, when was the last time you tried to fix what was broken? It doesn’t matter how hard it is to do it, it doesn’t matter how much you try and you fail you have to keep going; you have to continue to try because it is worth trying, because there is no greatest treasure than relationships.
Before I leave you on Laura Izibor’s song, I want you to try something go find someone dear to you and tell that person “ I want you to know that I really care about you, that I love you. And even though I don’t always tell you, I am really blessed to have you in my life” and give that person a big hug. Don’t say it just to say it, mean it! Let it come from the bottom of your heart. It might seem like nothing but believe me it is really important because you never know when everything might end, because life is short… too short. So make it count today!
P.S: enjoy the video <3

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